Transcend – Transformational Leadership Program - TSIC
Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

Transcend – Transformational Leadership Program

Transcend leadership program is designed to enable and enhance the leadership level competencies in your organisation. The program entails combining classroom sessions and working on live business cases to help develop capabilities in line with “Future Ready” leaders.

Leading Self
Leading Self

Leading Self

  • Role of a Leader
  • Building Executive Presence
    • Communication to connect
    • Listening to stakeholders
  • Develop your Emotional Quotient
Leading Team
Leading Team

Leading Team

  • Embrace Diversity and Inclusion
  • Building a future ready team/organisation
  • Driving a customer centric ecosystem
  • Handling difficult conversations (Int./ Ext)
Leading Business
Leading Business

Leading Business

  • Understand Full Value Chain
    • Business Ops
    • Financials
  • Leading the VUCA World
  • Dealing with Headwinds and Tailwinds
Sharat Paul Mechery

Sharat Paul Mechery

Sharat is a passionate leadership & talent development professional with 14+ years of core experience in the domains of talent development, organizational effectiveness, agile practitioner, intervention designing, facilitating and consulting. So far, he has facilitated and consulted more than 10,000 man-hours across 3 geographies (Asia, Europe and The Middle East).

Satish Bala

Satish Bala

Satish Bala has more than 21 years of experience. He has been associated with organizations in automobile, general insurance, petroleum retail, consumer durable sectors (handling channel sales management) & learning and development sectors (as a facilitator).

Arvind Raikar

Arvind Raikar

Arvind has 26 years of experience spanning the IT, BPO, ITES, Telecom, and Pharma industries with broad exposure in leadership, people management, client relationship management, strategy, sales, communication and coaching.

Abhilasha Malviya

Abhilasha Malviya

Abhilasha Malviya is a seasoned HR professional with 12 years of experience. She has played a dynamic role in building positive HR processes, learning & OD initiatives, culture building, HR automation, and people systems. Currently serving as a senior facilitator at TMDC, Tata Steel Jamshedpur, she has achieved prestigious accolades such as the ATD award and CII HR excellence award. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in business administrationan M.Phil. degree in business management, and an MBA from Pune.


Day 1 (Leading Self)

Day 1
Leading Self
Role of a LeaderUnderstanding and practice techniques of stakeholder management, knowing your leadership styles using situational leadership model, implications of type for enhancing leadership effectiveness
Building Executive PresenceKnow how to communicate to connect, listen to understand than to reply for internal/ external customers
Develop your Emotional QuotientDevelop and practice El model, open dialogue about self and others to value perspectives. imbibe the practice of being assertive while being equally sensitive during transactions.

Day 2 (Leading Team)

Day 2
Leading Team
Embrace Diversity and InclusionBuild essential skills and competencies to drive inclusiveness at workplace. Understand the unconscious bias and its implication at workplace.
Building a Future Ready TeamUnderstand future workplace competencies, shedding obsolete ways to AWOW. Understand employee motivators and triggers and modulating new approach.
Art of Giving Feedback
Understand and drive feedback v/s feedforward process to enhance team and employee connect.
Driving a Customer Centric Team/ Organisation EcosystemUnderstand the role of being an enabling function and enhance the customer experience by having a deep view towards entire customer spectrum (Govt./business/employees/teams etc.)
Handling Difficult ConversationsBeing assertive and sensitive/empathetic/driving closure to a conversation. Practice conflict resolution scenarios using case studies and role plays.

Day 3 (Leading Business)

Day 3
Leading Business
Understand the Full Value ChainUnderstand Full Value Chain approach to know end to end business operations and financials linkages.
Decision Making and Problem Solving with Business RelevanceBridging people and business imperatives and ability to converge to plausible outcome. Being a business problem solver and solution provider.
Dealing with Headwinds and TailwindsAspects of being a change agent and leading systems and processes to drive the business goals to execution.
Preempting possible distractions and barriers.

Program Start Date

11th, 12th & 13th October, 2023


3 Days



Program Fees

INR 50,000/-* per participant + applicable tax

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