First Time Managers Program - TSIC
Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

First Time Managers Program

An individual contributor or a professional getting promoted and transitioning into a management role for the first time is both exciting and extremely challenging. Very often, these First Time Managers are not as effective as the organization would want them to be. It takes a totally different mindset to excel in a new role that is no longer only about managing oneself but also a team of colleagues who were peers yesterday. So clearly there is an urgent need to train these young bunch of people who represent the future leadership bench strength of an organization.

Program Objective
Program Objective

Program Objective

  • To understand the role of a new leader in today’s context as well as to know the competencies required for success in the new role.
  • To equip first-time managers with the mindset, skillset, and toolset to take on the responsibilities of a managerial role and deliver sustainable high-quality results.
  • To enable first-time managers to navigate the challenges and successfully transition from an individual contributor to a leader of a team.
Challenges faced by First Time Managers (FTMs)
Challenges faced by First Time Managers (FTMs)

Challenges faced by First Time Managers (FTMs)

  • Managing team members, peers and managing upwards
  • Delegation of tasks and influencing others
  • Developing managerial and personal effectiveness
  • Managing internal stakeholders, politics, and leading team achievement
Who Should Attend
Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend

  • Recent promotion to a managerial role with team leadership responsibilities
  • Join expert instructors and small groups of your peers for training that provides positive returns to you as an employee, practitioner or executive
Talk To Our Program Enrolment Team
Talk To Our Program Enrolment Team

Talk To Our Program Enrolment Team

We have a dedicated team to help guide you through the application process and related matters. They are available to:

  • Address questions related to the application
  • Give you a better understanding of the program and answer your queries (if any)
Arvind Raikar

Arvind Raikar

Arvind has 26 years of experience spanning the IT, BPO, ITES, Telecom, and Pharma industries with broad exposure in leadership, people management, client relationship management, strategy, sales, communication and coaching.

Satish Bala

Satish Bala

Satish Bala has more than 21 years of experience. He has been associated with organizations in automobile, general insurance, petroleum retail, consumer durable sectors (handling channel sales management) & learning and development sectors (as a facilitator).


RoleUnderstanding the Role & Expectation from a Manager & a Leader» Group Discussion
» Brief Presentation
SelfUnderstanding your Psychological Type (MBTI) Implications of Type for enhancing leadership effectiveness» Case Study
» MBTI Assessment
» Exercise and discussion using Type to enhance effectiveness
Managing Performance » Performance Management Overview
» Effective Goal Setting
» The Art of Giving Feedback
» SBI & CEDAR Feedback Models
» Planning, Delegation and
» Execution
» Practice in Drafting Goals, followed by Discussion
» Gold of the Himalayan Kings Simulation & Debrief
Leadership Model» Situational Leadership –
» Leadership Styles for Effectiveness
» Interactive Presentation
» Questionnaire to discover your dominant style, flexibility & effectiveness
» Analysis of Scenarios to determine appropriate Leadership Style
Leading Teams » Laying the Foundations for Great Team Performance
» Stages of Team Development and the Role of the Leader - Tuckman
» Group Process & Effectiveness
» Collaboration & Problem Solving in Teams
» Brief Presentation on HPT
» Questionnaire to place your current
» team on Team Development Stages
» NASA / Desert Survival Activity
“Houston, we have a Problem” Simulation
Conflict Management» Discovering how you behave in a Conflict Situation – Conflict Management Styles
» Dealing Effectively with Conflict
» Thomas Kilmann Conflict Styles
» Instrument
» Analysis of Scenarios involving conflict
» and determining
» appropriate conflict
» style

Program Start Date

23th July, 2023


3 Days



Program Fees

INR 45,000/-*

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For More Details Contact Us.

0657 662 5253

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