Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

Total Quality Management and Total Productivity Maintenance

Total Quality Management

  • Quality circles concept
  • Daily Management
  • QA & QMS
  • Internal auditor’s training on integrated management system
  • Problem-solving
  • Policy Management and Strategy Planning

Total Productive Maintenance

  • Fundamentals: Initializing 5S and VWM (Visual Workplace Management)
  • 8 Pillars of TPM: Central and Departmental level pillars
  • Jishu-Hozen (Autonomous Maintenance)\
  • Planned maintenance
  • Kobetsu Kaizen (Focussed Improvement)
  • Hinshitsu-Hozen (Quality Maintenance)
  • Safety Health and Environment
  • Development Management: New Product and sites
  • Education and Training
  • OTPM (office total productive maintenance, or office TPM)

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0657 662 5253

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