Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

Plant Infrastructure and Logistics

Torpedo Ladle Tracking System

Efficient coordination of torpedo ladles for serving Hot Metal “capacity buffers” for the Blast Furnaces and “feed buffers” for the Steel Making Shops
Improved KPIs:
Efficient & optimum management of hot metal movement

Generic Yard Management System

Solution for smart Material Handling

  1. Easy to use human machine interface for real time visibility of all yard activities
  2. Hand held terminal for the operator to perform field verification and server communication
  3. Interfaces with business planning systems, process lines and crane automation systems
  4. Centralised database to manage all activities from receipt to dispatch of materials


  1. Real- time visibility and tracking of inventory and shipment
  2. Reduced material handling time
  3. Streamlining work order management to reduce vehicle loading, unloading, and waiting time
  4. Prioritisation of transportation as per business needs
  5. Online reports on crane performance, yard inventory execution time and VIVO time
  6. Handheld terminals for the operator for communication with server

Smart Solutions

It helps enable devices on the network, data streaming, data analysis, MIS reports/exceptions, & control/enhance business operations
Process Flow:
Smart Devices >> Cloud Search >> Web Applications

Connected Workforce

Objective: Smart solution for identification & tracking of manpower deployed inside plants
The Solution has 4 critical components – Lora Wan, BLE Beacons, Android / IOS Mobile App & Cloud application

  1. LoRaWAN Network – LoRa Network to be installed depending on the Plant/office coverage and reach [only if the solution is used in collaboration with SafePass Cards]
  2. BLE Beacon – BLE Beacons to be installed across the plant/office demarking various Zones.
    The BLE beacons will be configured as either:
    » Entry Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is entering the plant/office
    » Exit Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is exiting the plant/office
    » Hazardous Beacon – Demarking a Hazardous area within the Plant / Office
    » Safe Beacon – Demarking normal working zones within the plant / Office
  3. Mobile App via Bluetooth capable of detecting the various beacons, collecting beacon information, and sending data, alerts via the internet as well generating user alerts via buzzer/vibration
  4. Application to generate additional reports and alerts

Smart Barricade

Remotely controlled smart access control systems deployable at any Process hazard areas

  1. Works with all Employee/Contractor gate pass
  2. Authentication via gate pass cell database over the cloud
  3. Real-Time Access & control
  4. MIS, Reports, Exceptions & Alarms


  1. Remotely controlled
  2. Scalable
  3. Traceability ONLINE

Smart Fleet Management System

E-Tracking and Optimization of mobile equipment
Key Functions:

  1. GPS-enabled tracking of each fleet’s route
  2. Live ETA at various stops
  3. Data retrieval of passengers/occupants from Cloud
  4. Health Status Alarm of RFID/GPS
  5. MIS, Reports, Exceptions & Alarms

Enhanced Tracking and Optimization

UniLORD (Universal Lora wan Solutions)

Implementation of smart solutions under LoRaWAN network for effective operation and monitoring on real-time basis.

  1. Spindle run time monitoring system
  2. Digitised CO sensors
  3. Smart energy meters
  4. Anchor bolt monitoring
  5. Smart sprinklers

Centralized Condition Monitoring System

The CCMS improves equipment reliability by automatically diagnosing and alerting equipment faults

  1. Online condition monitoring of critical all across plants
  2. Generates alarm/warning and SMS for maintenance
  3. Standardisation of maintenance system

DC Motor Spark Monitoring System

Real-time monitoring of Sparks in DC motors
Improved KPIs:

  1. Continuous monitoring in real-time
  2. Machine Vision based, safe and non-intrusive methodology
  3. Capable of detecting very short-lived sparks (~40 ms)
  4. Enables proactive maintenance

Pipe Conveyor Monitoring System

An online system capable of measuring the Overlap & Sway of the Pipe conveyor is needed which can trigger the alarm for corrective action
Features & Benefits:

  1. Online Pipe diameter,
  2. Sway orientation
  3. Overlap data for monitoring & control
  4. Early warnings identify pre-mature failures
  5. Belt adjustment can be done to maintain Blast Furnace burden

Track Rail Inspection System (Trains)

To develop an automatic Inspection system to measure multiple inspection parameters, and process and visualize rail track on the fly
Key features:

  1. Motorized vehicle
  2. Contact-free measurement
  3. Continuous measurement
  4. Track joint detection
  5. Rail-road crossing detection
  6. Local data storage
  7. Geo-mapping of inspection data

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0657 662 5253

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