Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

Iron Making

COSMOS (Coke Oven Scheduling & Heating Monitoring System) - Coke Oven Level II System


Heating, scheduling & machine coordination in coke oven battery which leads to improved productivity, battery life, energy efficiency and quality of coke under reduced emission


  1. Dynamic pushing schedule
  2. Oven identification and machine coordination
  3. Temperature visualization
  4. Battery heating control model
  5. MIS and data presentation
  6. Data science-based models

KPI improves:

  1. Energy saving of 6.09%
  2. Standard deviation of Min 7.65 degree C° & max 18.14 degree C°

Online Flue Temperature Measurement of Coke Ovens

Objective: To eliminate manual measurement and provide an online temperature of each flue


  1. Using FO, radiation travels from each flue into a central station
  2. A single Pyrometer multiplexes IR radiation to give the temperature of each channel


  1. To get the online temperature of Flue
  2. Input for the heating model
  3. Eliminate manpower to measure

Tie Rod Load Cell Measurement in Coke Ovens

Objective: To provide Load changes that take place during different events of Oven operation

Solution: To install a high-temperature Loadcell on the tie rod


  1. Cost reduced and safety improved as manual campaigns decreased
  2. Predict oven health conditions
  3. Improved Process Visualization

Tuyere Eye

Objective: Visualizing the pulverized coal injection with analytics and eliminating manual observation of the tuyer platform


  1. Cameras are mounted on the tuyer peephole without compromising on human visibility
  2. Live display of the PCI of all tuyers in the control room


  1. Improved visibility of PCI for decision making
  2. Analytics to aid in decision making and also analysis after-the-fact
  3. Human Safety

Wireless Dip Lance

Objective: Wireless enabled measurement of hot metal temperature at the cast house

Features & Benefits:

  1. Easy to use & improved safety quotient at cast house
  2. Improved ergonomics for operator

Provide BF (Process Visualization & Data Evaluation for Blast Furnace) : Blast Furnace Level – II System

Objective: Visualisation, Simulation & Optimisation of BF processes which improve operational efficiency, furnace health and quality of hot metal

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