Contact Number - 0657 662 5253
In this area, we can provide services in preparing quality monitoring designs for mines and wash plants, and washability tests of coal.

» Mine Reconciliation » Quality monitoring plan preparation for mines & wash plant » Washability Studies

Laboratory Services in Coal & Cok » Chemical Analysis, Physical Analysis, Rheological Tests, Washability Tests » Physico-Mechanical studies of coal & rock samples Laboratory Services in Metal » Chemical Analysis, Physical Analysis, Physico-Mechanical studies of rock samples » Service Categories of ore and minerals are: Iron Ore | Manganese Ore | Dolomite | Limestone | Ferro-manganese Specialized services include due diligence studies for mineral potentiality assessment, evaluation of blocks offered for auction, drone surveys for digital mine survey, mine reconciliation. In this area, we can provide services in preparing quality monitoring designs for mines and wash plants, and washability tests of coal. » Desktop & reconnaissance field due-diligence studies for mineral potentiality assessment » Evaluation of notified auction blocks » Digital mine mapping » Slope Stability studies using numerical modeling with Flac 3D This service includes all aspects of Statutory Mine Plan preparation & Life of Mine. Our team includes experienced mining engineers, geologists & other associated subject experts. Also, we use licensed versions of industry standard mine planning software like surpac, minex whittle, mine shed, Xpac, Xact, and others. We use Flac 3D software to carry out slope stability studies for pits & dumps with numerical modeling. » Preparation of Statutory Mine Plans » Life of Mine (LOM) study and designsg » Review of Statutory Mine PlansIt includes all gamut of activities like exploration planning, supervision, data capturing & synthesis, sampling & analysis, interpretation of data, preparation of sections preparation of geological models & resources as per standard codes in prevalence. We are focusing on our services in Coal, Iron, Manganese, Chromite, Limestone, Graphite. » Remote sensing and geophysical survey » Topographical survey » Mapping » Pitting, trenching, and geochemical sampling » Exploratory drilling and rig-site geology » Chemical Analysis » Physical testing » Legal Advisory

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0657 662 5253

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