Contact Number - 0657 662 5253
Video Analytic Solutions for process safety Objective: To ensure process/industrial safety measurements Feature & Benefits:
  1. Ensure Safety compliance at all levels inside the plant
  2. Social distancing, Mask detection etc through video analytics improves containment & prevention of epidemic spread like COVID
  3. Critical safety hazards are eliminated at process industry floors through PPE Detection, No man area zone & Hand rail holding detection
  4. Fire Detection solutions contribute a major factor in zero harm for all personnel & property
Explosive Detection System Objective: Detect explosives mixed with scrap on the conveyor to the shredder and alarm accordingly to ensure safety Feature & Benefits:
  1. Automatic detection of explosives in material yards/scrap yards that could be hazardous
  2. Added safety with enhanced vision over a bulk of materials
  3. Zero Human intervention required thus reducing personnel harm
Hook Vision Objective: Provide real-time visualization of crane hook engagement with ladle trunnion without any intervention from the crane operator Feature & Benefits:
  1. Ban human signaling near the vicinity of hot metal
  2. Multi-streamed latency-free auto-switched video transmission in both cranes & ground (like Dish TV Communication)
  3. Minimum electronics & maintenance on crane side
  4. Easy to use & hassle-free software design
  5. Change in inherent work culture
  6. Implemented in all steel melting shops of TSJ, TSK & TSM
Remote Machines 1) RRC in Locomotives of Hot Metal Logistics Objective: To improve safety standards and productivity in the Movement of Hot Metal Torpedoes Features & Benefits:
  1. 24×7 seamless RRC Control for critical assets
  2. Increase in productivity by reduction of Time of travel and increased availability of Locos
2) Video Wall in Bof Converter Handling Objective: To ensure safety at BOF Control Room by using video wall instead of glass wall Features & Benefits:
  1. 24×7 latency-free real-time video streaming for critical application
  2. Prevention of loss of life inside the control room during the worst case of BOF Converter’s explosion
3) Manless Cranes in Scrap Management. Objective: To eliminate Human-machine interface in the operation of cranes inside Steel Melting shop Features & Benefits:
  1. Safe, ergonomic and productive operation of cranes
  2. Easy to operate & enables maneuverability of critical crane operator resources inside steel melting shops
Remote Sprinkler for Stock Yards Objective: To eliminate human presence for operating sprinklers in stockyards Issues & Concerns:
  1. It is unsafe to use raw material storage yard to operate sprinklers
  2. Waste of manpower resources for a simple job
  3. Sprinklers working is necessary for environmental hygiene
  1. Remote operation of sprinklers (No line of sight required)
  2. Enhanced safety and productivity
  3. Compliance with statutory environmental rules and regulations
Plume Dispersion System Objective: Estimation and visualization of pollutants deposition (PM, SOx, NOx) in real time to demonstrate the environmental impact Solution: Developed a real-time process model using Gaussian distribution methodology for estimation of plume dispersion and deposition Benefits:
  1. Results are displayed on an HMI screen which is overlaid with Google map
  2. Displays the deposition profile of each stack for the last 24 hours
  3. Early intervention in case of emergency
1. Digital Negotiation Factory Problems Addressed: Impact 2. Catalogue Management System Problems Addressed Impact 3. Life Cycle Tracking System Problems Addressed Impact 4. DigiWheels Problems Addressed Impact Objective: Smart solution for identification & tracking of manpower deployed inside plants The Solution has 4 critical components – Lora Wan, BLE Beacons, Android / IOS Mobile App & Cloud application 1. LoRaWAN Network – LoRa Network to be installed depending on the Plant/office coverage and reach [only if the solution is used in collaboration with SafePass Cards] 2. BLE Beacon – BLE Beacons to be installed across the plant/office demarking various Zones. The BLE beacons will be configured as either: » Entry Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is entering the plant/office » Exit Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is exiting the plant/office » Hazardous Beacon – Demarking a Hazardous area within the Plant / Office » Safe Beacon – Demarking normal working zones within the plant / Office 3. Mobile App via Bluetooth capable of detecting the various beacons, collecting beacon information, and sending data, alerts via the internet as well generating user alerts via buzzer/vibration 4. Application to generate additional reports and alertsTata Steel Digital Journey Our Industrial 4.0 Architecture Key Business Outcomes
  1. Safety
  2. Productivity
  3. Yield, Throughput
  4. Energy
  5. Quality
  6. Asset Performance
  7. Knowledge Management
  8. Data Privacy
  9. Cyber Risk mitigation
  10. Technology Obscelence
Goals Laurels A Look Back at 2022 Accomplishments Digital Consultancy Industry 4.0 lighthouse visit Tata Steel was quick to board the Industry 4.0 wave and had dedicated efforts to building organization wide enthusiasm for digital adoption since 2015. As the early wins started coming in, adoption picked up pace in and sizeable bottom-line impact and employee experience enhancement has been consistently achieved. Given this early adoption and hot pursuit of business goals through digitalization, Tata Steel currently has established an early lead in Industry 4.0 maturity. Today, Tata Steel holds the unique distinction of having three of its sites recognised as Industry 4.0 lighthouses. Its oldest and newest site in India – Jamshedpur and Kalinganagar have both been bestowed with this recognition. A visit to Tata Steel aimed at building an appreciation of the impact that digital transformation can achieve would involve interactions with the important stakeholders to the digital transformation process, witnessing digital technologies in action and correlating the same with real world business impact brought about by adopting Industry 4.0 technologies in Tata Steel. TSIC organizes customized Industry Visits to Tata Steel units enabling the participants to witness first-hand the impact of Industry 4.0 in a real-world setting. Participants also interact with the different stakeholders within the organization that deliver the change including line functions, Automation, IT Infrastructure and Business Process Enhancement.

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