Contact Number - 0657 662 5253

Connected Workforce

Smart solution for identification & tracking of manpower deployed inside plants

The Solution has 4 critical components – Lora Wan, BLE Beacons, Android / IOS Mobile App & Cloud application
1. LoRaWAN Network – LoRa Network to be installed depending on the Plant/office coverage and reach [only if the solution is used in collaboration with SafePass Cards]
2. BLE Beacon – BLE Beacons to be installed across the plant/office demarking various Zones.
The BLE beacons will be configured as either:
» Entry Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is entering the plant/office
» Exit Beacon – Demarking and indicating to the Mobile App that the worker is exiting the plant/office
» Hazardous Beacon – Demarking a Hazardous area within the Plant / Office
» Safe Beacon – Demarking normal working zones within the plant / Office
3. Mobile App via Bluetooth capable of detecting the various beacons, collecting beacon information, and sending data, alerts via the internet as well generating user alerts via buzzer/vibration
4. Application to generate additional reports and alerts

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0657 662 5253

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